
Menachem Klein

Menachem Klein

Prof. Menachem Klein is a professor emeritus of political science at Bar-Ilan University. He was an advisor to former Minister of Foreign Affairs Shlomo Ben-Ami and former Prime Minister Ehud Barak. His book Lives in Common – Arabs and Jews in Jerusalem, Jaffa and Hebron (Oxford University Press NY and C. Hurst London 2014) was selected by The New Republic as one of the best nonfiction books of 2014. His book Arafat and Abbas, Portraits of Leadership in A State Postponed was published in 2019 by Hurst and Oxford University Press


What Do We Do Now?
A new vision is necessary along with the will to explain the price which will have to be paid to implement it and demonstrate how the objective will be achieved.
Acknowledging the (Violent) Elephant in the Room
Any solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict will likely lead to an armed revolt or even a civil war of some dimension, unless we address the question of how to reduce the potential damage in such an eventuality.
The Endurance of the Fragile Oslo Accords
The Oslo Accords created a framework comprised of many parts, each of which contains a structural contradiction, and the framework is holding up precisely because of its complexity and fragility.
Our Jerusalem — A Reality Check
The processes that Jerusalem has been going though in the past 50 years have severely hurt the city, and a major change in direction is needed.
The Gazan Struggle against the Israeli Occupation
Gaza A History, by Jean-Pierre Filiu, trans. John King. London: Hurst, 2014, 422 pages, including notes, bibliography, biographies, and index.
Is the Arab Spring Israel’s Winter?
The Israeli public does not see a link between the conflict with the Palestinians —together with the Arab Spring — and the protest for socioeconomic justice.
The Shift — Israel’s New Goals in Jerusalem
The Green Line is becoming irrelevant as Israel expands its control over Jerusalem and beyond
From the Margins to the Mainstream: Impact of Extreme Religious Discourse in Israel
Extreme statements by religious authorities reflect a movement from a border-based to an ethnic conflict.
The Politics of the PA by Nigel Parsons
When the 1967 War and the 1977 Peace Visited My Home in Jerusalem
On that Friday night, my one-dimensional perception of the Arab “other” cracked.
Arafat as a Palestinian Icon
Israelis demonized him and Palestinians considered him the symbol of their struggle.


  • War of Choice – The Real Story of Israel’s War against Hamas
  • The E-1 plan: recycled and oppressive
  • The good and bad news about Israel’s ‘Peace Index’: Three options for Jerusalem