
Yudith Oppenheimer

Yudith Oppenheimer

Yudith Oppenheimer is the executive director of Ir Amim.


“The Deal within the Deal”
The "deal within the deal" offers a practical work plan for annexation of the settlements and the subsequent foiling of any possibility of a viable future Palestinian state.
Drawing New Lines: Israel’s Unilateral Policies to Reshape Jerusalem
To improve life conditions for the Palestinians and other residents while attempting to salvage the two-state solution, we need to take into consideration four important trends.
Destructive Unilateral Legislation and Plans on Jerusalem’s Boundaries
A secure and stable life in Jerusalem can exist only based on recognition of the full extent of the connections of both of these peoples to the city.
An Explosive Situation in Silwan
The government’s complicity in right-wing settler activity in Silwan creates immense obstacles to a peaceful resolution on Jerusalem.