Vol. 1 No. 4 , 1994
Psychological Dimensions of the Conflict
Why is Yitzhak Rabin all smiles with King Hussein and all frowns with Yasser Arafat? It has been suggested that this was because the Israeli Prime Minister and the Jordanian King have known each other for decades and have met frequently. A de facto peace between Jordan and Israel has prevailed for many years and only the King's fears of becoming an outcast in the Arab world and of risking an internal rebellion have prevented him from entering earlier into peace negotiations with Israel.
In contrast, Arafat's PLO has been Israel's archenemy since its inception in 1964 and over the years Jordan and Israel were actually allies in the struggle against the PLO. Nevertheless, there are far deeper explanations for Rabin's uneasiness with the PLO Chairman. While since 1973, the dispute between Israel and the neighboring Arab countries has become mainly a territorial dispute, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has a completely different dimension: it is an existential and not only a territor
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Table of Contents
  1. Rabin’s Political Schizophrenia ( )

    By Victor Cygielman Vol. 1 No. 4 1994
  2. Letters to the Editors
  3. Letters to the Editors ( )

    Vol. 1 No. 4 1994
  4. Focus
  5. On Discourse with the Enemy: a Psychoanalytical Perspective ( )
    Can psychoanalysis contribute to an understanding of the enemy? The enemy as part of ourselves as well as distinct from us.
    By Shmuel Erlich Vol. 1 No. 4 1994
  6. Palestinian-Israeli Enmity: the Process of Transformation ( )
    The peace process, against the background of the historical Israeli-Palestinian enmity, is not yet reconciliation. This must await a process of transformation which will take time.
    By Bernard Sabella Vol. 1 No. 4 1994
  7. The Image of the Enemy: Cracks in the Wall of Hatred ( )
    The inner and outer reality of the conflict and empathy in light of Jewish and Palestinian children’s dreams.
    By Yoram Bilu Vol. 1 No. 4 1994
  8. The Israeli-Palestinian Couple: from Confrontation to Joint Construction ( )
    A psychiatrist and family therapist interprets the evolution of the conflict based on a model developed for couple psychotherapy.
    By Mony Elkaim Vol. 1 No. 4 1994
  9. From Enmity toward Peaceful Coexistence: the Search for Meaning ( )
    Israelis and Palestinians must find a "why" for tolerance, understanding, forgiveness and empathy for the construction of a new cognitive system.
    By Elia Awwad Vol. 1 No. 4 1994
  10. The Dialectics of a Handshake ( )
    The Rabin-Arafat handshake symbolized recognition, but the harsh terrain of dialogue is still ahead.
    By Zali Gurevitch Vol. 1 No. 4 1994
  11. Fear of the Other ( )
    In view of the rejection by Ashkenazi Jews of everything with an Oriental flavor, is Israeli society mature enough to respect the identity of a different people?
    By Hanna Biran Vol. 1 No. 4 1994
  12. The Image of the Israeli: Its Evolution in the Palestinian Mind ( )
    A Palestinian freedom-fighter defines through his life experience how he sees the changing image of the Israeli.
    By Jamal El-Deek Vol. 1 No. 4 1994
  13. Shaping a Culture of Peace ( )
    The Palestinians must address taboos and grave internal weaknesses, while Israel must tackle its arrogant colonial stance if the promise of peace is to become a reality.
    By Eyad El-Sarraj Vol. 1 No. 4 1994
  14. Viewpoint
  15. Consorting with the Enemy ( )
    A Palestinian describes his many friendships with Jews throughout his life and asks his Jewish friends to encourage generosity in applying the peace process.
    By Said Aburish Vol. 1 No. 4 1994
  16. Interview
  17. The Peace Process and the Palestinian Interest ( )
    A Palestinian leader’s view on Israeli-Palestinian separation, the poisoned atmosphere, Hamas, Palestinian priorities and solutions.
    By Daoud Kuttab Vol. 1 No. 4 1994
  18. Economics
  19. Palestinian Industrial Development and Israeli-Palestinian Attitudes to Cooperation ( )
    A Palestinian and an Israeli economist study cooperation between Israeli and Palestinian industrialists.
    By Samir Hazboun and Simcha Bahiri Vol. 1 No. 4 1994
  20. Journal Jottings
  21. Daoud Kuttab and Danny Rubinstein ( )

    Vol. 1 No. 4 1994
  22. Book Review
  23. Arafat: a Political Biography by Alan Hart ( )
    Reviewed by Manuel Hassassian
    By Manuel Hassassian Vol. 1 No. 4 1994
  24. Rabin of Israel by Robert Slater ( )
    Rabin may be a great man but his biography is full of flaws.
    By Hillel Schenker Vol. 1 No. 4 1994
  25. Culture, Literature and the Arts
  26. My Victory Parade ( )
    A story translated from the Hebrew by Yael Lotan.
    By Yaacov Siman-Tov Vol. 1 No. 4 1994
  27. Four Poems ( )
    by Tawfik Ziyad
    Vol. 1 No. 4 1994
  28. Four Poems ( )
    Galit Hasan-Rokem
    Vol. 1 No. 4 1994
  29. Documents
  30. Treaty of Peace between the State of Israel and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan October 26, 1994 ( )

    Vol. 1 No. 4 1994
  31. Chronology of Events
  32. 1994 - 1.7.94-1.10.94 ( )
    Edited by Anat Cygielman
    Vol. 1 No. 4 1994