
Boas Evron

Boas Evron

Boas Evron is a veteran Hebrew writer and journalist. His last book was Jewish State or Israeli Nation?


The Nuclear Trap
The best solution for the anxiety in Israel about nuclear developments is a total nuclear disarmament in the region.
1948 – A Memoir
For a Canaanite who fought for liberation, Israel’s independence is a broken dream.
Israel’s Shifting Identity
The myth of Israel as the "state of the Jewish people" may in the course of time give way to Israel as the "state of its citizens."
Community as a State
The definition of Jewish nationality in religious terms dooms non-Jews to a second-class civic, political, social and economic status
The Rabin That Failed
As Rabin’s authority fades, hopes for a new Middle East dwindle too.
Israeli Theocracy?
There is no prospect of the religious camp taking over the country
After Fifty Years
National freedom provides opportunities, but no guarantee, for a life of human dignity.