The PNC Amends the Palestinian National Charter
The Palestinian National Council, at its 21st session held in the city of Gaza,
Emanating from the Declaration of Independence and the political statement adopted at its 19th session held in Algiers on November 1, 1988, which affirmed the resolution of conflicts by peaceful means and accepted the two-states solution;
And based on the introduction of the Declaration of Principles signed in Washington DC September 19, 1993, which included the agreement of both sides to put an end to decades of confrontation and conflict and to live in peaceful coex¬istence, mutual dignity and security, while recognizing their mutual legitimate and political right;
And reaffirming their desire to achieve a just, lasting and comprehensive peace settlement and historic reconciliation through the agreed political process;
And based on international legitimacy represented by the United Nation's res¬olutions relevant to the Palestinian question, including those relating to Jerusalem, Refugees and Settlements, and the other issues of the permanent status and the implementation of Security Council Resolution 242 and 338;
And affirming the adherence of the Palestine Liberation Organization to its commitments deriving from the DOP (Oslo :), the provisional Cairo agreement, the letter of mutual recognition signed on September 9 and 19, 1993, the Israeli¬-Palestinian interim agreement on the West Bank and the Gaza Strip (Oslo 2), signed in Washington DC on September 28, 1995, and reconfirm the resolution of the Central Council of the PLO adopted in October 1993, which approved the Oslo agreement and all its annexes;
And based on the principles which constituted the foundation of the Madrid Peace Conference and the Washington negotiations; decides
1. The Palestinian National Charter is hereby amended by canceling the arti¬cles that are contrary to the letters exchanged between the PLO and the Government of Israel, September 9-10, 1993
2. Assigns its legal committee with the task of redrafting the Palestinian National Charter in order to present it to the first session of the Palestinian Central Council.