
Walid Salem

Walid Salem

Walid Salem is director of the Center for Democracy and Community Development and a lecturer at al-Quds University.


From Here to Apartheid, What's Next?
Whether the situation on the ground is “settler colonialism” or “apartheid” is not a luxury but a discussion that has practical political implications.
No Missed Opportunity in Rejection of Trump Plan
The Trump plan legitimizes the Israeli vision of “Greater Jerusalem,” pushing Palestinians out of and keeping complete control over the city, and preventing the establishment of a viable, sovereign and contiguous Palestinian state.
Oslo: A Peace Proposal, or a “Time Out” Till the “Full Victory” of Israel?
Israel in its 70th year appears to have returned to the early days of Zionism, combined with all its aggressiveness and exceptionalism that leaves no place for Palestinians.
Apartheid, Settler Colonialism and the Palestinian State 50 Years On
With the Palestinians facing a belligerent occupation, an apartheid system that favors Jewish settlers and a growing settler colonial project, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is becoming chronic, an ongoing Nakba.
Northern Ireland: A Successful Story of Conflict Transformation?
Jerusalem: Reconsidering the Settler Colonial Analysis
The Arab Peace Initiative and the International Community: Concerted Efforts for Its Implementation
The Role of the Arab Peace Initiative in Light of the Latest Israeli- Palestinian War
Civil Society in Palestine: Approaches, Historical Context and the Role of the NGOs
Palestinian NGOs need to develop a clear-cut political position and direct it toward both the issue of the occupation and the splits within Palestinian society
The Arab Revolutions from a Palestinian Perspective
The Arab revolutions were led by the people themselves, and if they lead to the notion of citizenship, they may lead to a full transition to democracy in the region
The Human Security of the Palestinian Jerusalemites: A Story of an Internal Occupation
Palestinians search for ways to preserve their community in an occupied city
The Iranian Factor in the Arab-Israeli Conflict
The Iranian issue should be dealt with as a challenge that could pave the way for strategies that lead to a sustainable Middle East peace and to stability in the region.
Palestinian Contemporary Political Performance: A Bitter Harvest
External and internal factors must be considered in assessing the Palestinian performance.
Joint Activism in Jerusalem: Is a Joint Community-Based Agenda Possible?
Can joint peace projects be transformed to meet the needs of the population?
Creating Positive Facts on the Ground
A five-stage coordinated reciprocal unilateral strategy
Negotiations Combined With Coordinated Unilateral Acts
The unilateral convergence plan will inevitably lead to escalation and bloodshed
Introduction: The Ethics of Unilateralism
Israeli-Palestinian Civil Cooperation: New Context, New Strategies
Facing the new “no partner” reality.
The Anti-Normalization Discourse in the Context of Israeli-Palestinian Peace-Building
Varying attitudes towards anti-normalization exist among both Palestinians and Israelis.
Citizenship and Return
A solution based on two states cooperating, without segregation and enmity
Legitimization or Implementation: On the UN Partition Plan The Paradox of the 1947 UN Partition Plan
Although the Zionist movement nominally accepted the partition plan, its actions were unconducive to implementing it.


  • My Jerusalem
  • Is a Comprehensive Middle Eastern Peace Possible?