Vol. 3 No. 3 , 1996
The Road Ahead
Nothing can obscure the fact that the good faith built up in the region so laboriously (and in spite of many ups and downs) during the Rabin and Peres governments, has been dissipated by the govermment of Binyamin Netanyahu since it took office in June 1996.
Under the former government, Israel signed the Oslo accords, handed over most of the Gaza Strip and nine Palestinian cities to the Palestinian National Authority (PNA) and enabled the first free elections ever to take place in Palestinian territory. It also made peace with Jordan and began to develop relations elsewhere in the Arab world, such as the Gulf States and the Maghreb countries. A new atmosphere was developing in the region.
Following Netanyahu's taking over, relations, not only with the PNA, but also with Egypt and Jordan, began to deteriorate, as the Arab world once again regarded Israel with hostility and suspicion. No wonder that in such circumstances a question mark hangs over the peace process and one sees
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Table of Contents
  1. Binyamin Netanyahu and the Peace Process ( )

    By Dan Leon Vol. 3 No. 3 1996
  2. Focus
  3. Palestinian Self-Rule, Israeli Security - An interview ( )
    A close associate of the Israeli prime minister outlines Israeli policy guidelines.
    By David Bar-Illan Vol. 3 No. 3 1996
  4. What It Takes to Make Peace - An interview ( )
    Palestinian expectations after the Hebron agreement and toward permanent¬status negotiations.
    By Saeb Erekat Vol. 3 No. 3 1996
  5. Jerusalem: The Palestinian Vision - An interview ( )
    Palestinian approaches to assure the success of the negotiations.
    By Faisal Husseini Vol. 3 No. 3 1996
  6. Can Jerusalem Become More Human? ( )
    Jerusalem needs a slow process of "winning of hearts" so as to dissolve the hostility.
    By Thomas Stransky Vol. 3 No. 3 1996
  7. The Present and Future of Jerusalem ( )
    The task of saving Jerusalem from occupation is too large for the leadership alone.
    By Gershon Baskin Vol. 3 No. 3 1996
  8. The Alpher Plan for Israeli-Palestinian Final Status in the Territorie ( )
    Details of what Joseph Alpher considers the only mutually acceptable solution for the two sides.
    Vol. 3 No. 3 1996
  9. Israeli Settlement Policy: Its Impact on the Scope oj Peace in the Region ( )
    Israel’s settlement policy closes the option of Palestinian statehood. Peace and settlements are incompatible.
    By Ghassan Khatib Vol. 3 No. 3 1996
  10. Citizenship and Palestinian Refugees ( )
    The position of the Palestinian refugees and their need for international protection.
    By Najeh Jarrar Vol. 3 No. 3 1996
  11. A Technical Framework Jor Final-Status Negotiations over Water ( )
    How a Palestinian State should approach the principles of sovereignty and cooperation over water.
    By Abdel-Rahman Tamimi Vol. 3 No. 3 1996
  12. A Water-for-Peace Plan ( )
    A just solution to the water problem is a condition for peace.
    By Hillel Shuval Vol. 3 No. 3 1996
  13. Letters to the Editors
  14. Letters to the Editors ( )

    Vol. 3 No. 3 1996
  15. Viewpoint
  16. Binyamin Netanyahu: Ideology and Realism ( )
    The dilemmas of the Netanyahu government - ideology against pragmatism.
    By Ziad AbuZayyad Vol. 3 No. 3 1996
  17. Towards an Alternative Israeli-Palestinian Discourse ( )
    Instead of "two states for two peoples," a civil state shared by the two communities is proposed.
    By As’ad Ghanem and Sarah Ozacky-Lazar Vol. 3 No. 3 1996
  18. The Palestinian Opposition and Final-Status Negotiations ( )
    The taboo imposed in the early days of the peace process is being broken.
    By Riad al-Malki Vol. 3 No. 3 1996
  19. Israeli Public Opinion and the Peace Process - An interview ( )
    Israeli public opinion polls reveal a legitimization of the Oslo peace process.
    By Tamar Hermann Vol. 3 No. 3 1996
  20. Palestinian Public Opinion and the Peace Process ( )
    Support for the peace process, reservations over implementations of agreements.
    By Leila Dabdoub Vol. 3 No. 3 1996
  21. Closure and Borders ( )
    An examination of Israeli closure policies as unique in the world, their implementation and consequences.
    By Muhammad Nakhal Vol. 3 No. 3 1996
  22. A Perspective on Communication in Palestinian Society ( )
    An analysis of communication patterns in Palestinian society shows major shifts expressing new realities.
    By Randa Zaharna Vol. 3 No. 3 1996
  23. Selective Refusal ( )
    Yesh Gvul (There Is a Limit), a movement of soldiers refusing to serve in Lebanon and in the occupied territories.
    By Peretz Kidron Vol. 3 No. 3 1996
  24. The Impact of Dialogue ( )
    Grass-roots Palestinian-Israeli dialogue as a path to peace.
    By Yehudit Green Vol. 3 No. 3 1996
  25. Review Essay
  26. Bibi among the Nations ( )
    A Place among the Nations: Israel and the World by Binyamin Netanyahu Reviewed by Hillel Schenker Instead of "Read my lips," Netanyahu says "Read my book."
    By Hillel Schenker Vol. 3 No. 3 1996
  27. Journal Jottings
  28. Hospital and Handcuffs ( )
    How two wounded Palestinian youths were handcuffed to their beds in Hadassah Hospital.
    By Guy Hessel Vol. 3 No. 3 1996
  29. Economics
  30. Israeli Impediments to Investment in Palestine ( )
    Obstacles to the creation of a profitable Palestinian business environment.
    Vol. 3 No. 3 1996
  31. Culture, Literature and the Arts
  32. Four Poems ( )

    By Rachel Bluwstein Vol. 3 No. 3 1996
  33. Emile Habiby: A Palestinian Writer in the Context of Israeli Culture ( )
    Habiby’s work has gained an important status within Hebrew culture.
    By Hannan Hever Vol. 3 No. 3 1996
  34. Jasmine and Wood ( )
    A chapter from a novel by a Palestinian writer of novels, short stories and children’s literature.
    By Liana Badr Vol. 3 No. 3 1996
  35. Documents
  36. Extracts from the Protocol Concerning the Redeployment in Hebron ( )
    January 15, 1997
    Vol. 3 No. 3 1996
  37. Chronology of Events
  38. April 1, 1996 to October 1, 1996 ( )
    Edited by Anat Cygiebnan and Uzi Bechar
    Vol. 3 No. 3 1996